Lawrence pastors say what they think the effects could be on Christian military members with the controversy over sharing one’s faith and proselytizing going on in the media and Pentagon.
Drew Parks: With all of the controversy coming up with punishing Christians in the military for “sharing” their faith, the question comes up of how this issue could affect Christians that are currently in the military. First Southern Baptist pastor Joe Stiles thinks they could go one of three ways when sharing their faith.
Joe Stiles: Well it may cause some Christians to “clam up,” if you will, be quiet. It may cause some to go to the other side, to become even more vocal, willing to put themselves out there no matter what the cause may involve.
Parks: Stiles also said that it could cause some people to stay out of the military. Christ Community pastor Jeff Barclay thinks that it could cause Christian military members to become suspicious of the government because of the Pentagon’s statement.
Jeff Barclay: Clearly the Department of Defense is saying that there will be no restrictions on the sharing of one’s faith. People are going to read that and say, “Well, are they telling the truth? Are they just backpedalling? Is this part of the conspiracy/smokescreen? They really are going to do this one day.” And I don’t know that you can ever ban Christianity.
Parks: This is Drew Parks with Heavenly Hawks.