The American Muslim community has seen few bad reactions towards them since the Boston bombings. Rachel Zole with the Huffington Post wrote that two attacks were reported on Muslims and they were before the suspects were identified. Muslim leaders said the anti-Islam reaction has been more muted than the September 11 attacks.
With no official hierarchy, American Muslims continue to struggle to respond to the Boston bombers and their Islam connection. Jaweed Kaleem with the Huffington Post wrote that individual Muslim leaders and leaders of Muslim advocacy groups are trying to respond to questions of extremism, peaceful Muslims and discrediting the Tsarnaevs.
Mormon leaders announced that they support the Boy Scouts of America’s plan to allow gay youths on April 25. Peggy Fletcher Stack with the Religion News Service wrote that people in the Mormon community said the plan is a “step in the right direction” and goes with the church’s inclusion of LGBT people.